Thursday, June 14, 2012

Whatta Day!

At last, this day comes to an end. I will say that this is a very tiring day for me. Despite the fact that I didn't do much inside in the office, I do have so much errands outside the office. Early when I started to work, I was immediately called by my office mate, giving me task to do. I was asked to deliver some documents on a Government sector "Philhealth". At first I'm kind of excited to this since I've got a chance to go outside and smell some fresh air. But when I arrived at my destination I was very surprised because of the huge crowd lining up to do their own transaction to the said Government institution.

But unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it, And I just quit all of my complaints and start to find myself a line (and come to think of it that's not the only errands that I need to do). After several hours of patiently waiting in line I finally had my turn and the funny thing is that transaction didn't last for more than 5 minutes at all!

After I finish my first errand I quickly head to the next one so that I can finish my task just before 12 noon. And of course my next destination is like the first one. So much crowd waiting for their turn. I guess here in the Philippines, it's just normal to see the Government institution being so populated and crowded because as I observed, their employees themselves are not concerned to that fact that their are many people that need their transaction and need it fast, some employees are chatting with each other, some are eating on their desk and some are not even rushing their jobs, you know what I mean? they tend to just relax even if there so many people waiting which results holding the line.

After I survive the long lines and the long waits. I manage to pick up myself and get back to my concentration I exert when I was on the job. In the end, all the task was done and I go home with a smile on my face.

I hope one day someone will fix that kind of system and make things right.

(ow, that picture on the top was just like me...very tired)

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